Continuous Foaming Machine - Santech Foam Machines

Continuous Foaming Machine

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About The Continuous Foaming Machine

The three conveyor continuous foam production machine is a high-capacity machine system for making a constant slab of flexible PU foam with a flat top that is simple to operate. The Santech Foam Machine facilities are built in a modern style that makes them simple to operate and adaptable to the client and environmental needs. Santech has established itself as a solid and trustworthy brand name with over 35 successfully running SFM machines across India and abroad. Our SFM lines may be customised as per changing markets and environmental conditions. These include numerous specific equipment, modules, and unique accessories resulting in exceptionally competitive production results over lengthy periods. The conveyors on the sides and bottom assure square blocks, eliminating rounded edges and thus reducing waste. The machine can make foam blocks up to 2200mm broad, depending on the type of foaming chemicals used.

Flat Top Without RS & Top Paper

Our latest SFM plants are equipped with the newly developed & patented side conveyor system that produces a better rectangular cross section of the foam block without using any top paper or RS system, thus giving you a competetive edge in the market.

The Mixing Head

The SFM plants’ mixing heads ensure excellent quality and quick mixing of all chemicals, allowing immediate formulation and colour changes. The laminar liquid laid is dispersed in a thin layer over the whole foaming width of the fall plate. This allows for dependable air escape and nearly pinhole-free foam grades with a homogeneous cell structure.

The High Precision Metering System

The high precision metering units include magnetic drive pumps which ensure accurate metering of all chemicals throughout all viscosity range, repeatability in flow settings and large adjustment ranges. This helps in precise monitoring of every chemical used in the production. The metering system is capable of changing the colors and densities on the fly without the need of shutting the plant or stopping the foaming. The metering units supply constant flow and pressure to the mixing head as well as to return lines.

Modular And Compact Control System

Sfm plants come equipped with modular control panel with an intuitive touch screen interface. The control panel can store and recall formulations and production parameters making sure there are no operator errors. The simplistic and ergonomic design make it easy for the programmer to operate and control every action of the machine from the foaming platform itself. Use of electrical and electronic components from reliable and well known brands ensure easy and fast repair; and cost effective replacements.


  • Integration of top techniques and technologies result in high quality and production flexibility
  • Highly efficient raw material usage
  • Uniform density, hardness and cell structure through out the foaming production
  • Modular design to ensure optimum adaptation to the requirements of the market and environment
  • Up to 10% higher foam yields

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