We manufacture the finest quality semi-automatic batch foaming machines for precise mixing of chemicals leading to the finest quality foams.
Both automated and semi-automatic machines have comparable properties; nevertheless, the functioning of the two differs. A semi-automatic batch foaming machine necessitates some manual labour. This foaming process combines the actions of both the equipment and the person, who a centralised computer controller usually links. We are the prominent manufacturers of semi-auto batch foaming machines. The most significant aspect of having an SFM semi-automated batch foaming machine is that it won’t always make foam with the exact proportions and can be compressed or expanded to fit your needs. As a result, multiple foams can be produced in a semi-auto batch foaming machine, depending on the requirements.
Machine features
Adjustable computer based operation
It has a polyol self-cleaning mechanism that allows it to create blocks continually
A maximum production capacity of 1 block / minute is feasible
A larger mixing vessel allows for the production of high-density materials with larger dimensions
High-precision pumps that provide precise output without regularly calibrating streams
TDI and MC are both handled by leak-proof pumps
The absolute minimal space is required
Speedy start-up
Production that is both flexible and cost-effective